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"It's universal, insights change lives."


"I've lost the love for the game.  The stress and pressure is too much.  I'm terrified of choking in the big moments."

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Leaders & Managers

"My team just doesn't get it.  I can't seem to get them to listen. Maybe I'm not a very good leader and manager."

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"I don't know what I want to do. What if I make the wrong decision?  Everything is so overwhelming."

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Introducing our new content hub.


It's free and it's full of hours of valuable and interesting content.  

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Happy Hockey Dad

Is your experience as a Hockey Dad not what you thought it would be?

Our goal is to help you enjoy being a Hockey Dad and to make it a fun and fulfilling for you and your kid(s).

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Resources to help you get back to work.

Visit my resource page to get valuable resources to prepare for the most important hurdle that most people trip on, the interview.

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Are you looking ...

- to solve a problem?

- to make a change?

- to experience a transformation?

- to get Clarity on something?

It only takes two words...

Coaching Please!

Coaching Please!

"I help people unleash their potential by pointing them to who they really are, and how their experience is created. Once people start having insights in these areas, it's a game changer." 

Greg Fisher


Are you looking to achieve a goal, solve a problem, or make a change in your life?  We can get there faster when a coach helps unleash your potential.

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Developing leadership skills is a life long journey.  Whether you're looking to lead yourself or a team, we can help unleash your leadership potential.

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Online Courses

We offer a variety of Online Courses on an array of topics.  Learning at your own pace, about topics that interest you is a great way to unleash your potential.

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"Thought is not reality, yet it is through thought that our realities are created."

Sydney Banks, The Missing Link 

Looking for some inspiration?

I recently came across this poem by Greg Kimura in a course I'm taking.  It really resonated with me and aligns well with my mission to unleash potential (mine and yours).  You can learn more about this poem by clicking the button. (Note: I'm not affiliated with that site or the author, I just really like the poem and want to share it.)

Special thanks to Gillian Christison for providing the narration.

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Are you overwhelmed, stressed out, looking for a way to better manage your time?

Check out our FREE Time Management Hacks webinar.  It may just be the best thing you spend your time on today.

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Are you looking to make a change, advance a goal, solve a problem or get clarity on something? 

If you answered yes, then I may be able to support you.  Let's connect for a conversation.  Does that seem fair enough?

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Tired of tedious, inefficient tasks? Leverage app technology to streamline your business processes.

We can build you a custom app to improve your processes so you can spend more time on the things that matter the most to your customers.

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Do you value your privacy?

Most people do yet they frequently say their phone number and email address out loud in retail shops when asked for this information by cashiers.  With Privacy Pal, never say your private information out loud again.

Learn About Privacy Pal



Do you want your new staff to be able to step right in and competently answer the phone?

With our Phone Skills Training Course, they'll gain the experience and the confidence they need to be prepared and provide your customers with a good experience.

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Check out our coaching and

3 Principles inspired merchandise.

Makes a great gift for coaches, clients, friends and family.  

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A companion app for story books, read by loved ones. 

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Is your teenager overwelmed and having difficulty coping with life's ups and downs?

Our Leadership For Teens course teaches core leadership concepts and covers topics like self-awareness, paradigms and time management.



At Team Unleash Your Potential weā€™re always looking for ways to inspire people, spark their creativity and tap into their imagination. We believe that everyone, no matter how young or old, has unlimited potential. 

They also like FREE stuff.

Take me to the FREE stuff

Looking for businesses you can trust?

We're showcasing the excellent businesses of some of our fellow entrepreneurs.  The people running these businesses are outstanding individuals, of the highest integrity and they all have a passion for what they do.  It's our sincere pleasure to collaborate with them as we all endeavor to unleash our potential.

Meet our collaborators

Worried about selling your home?

We'll teach you what you need to know and give you the tools to maximize your profit when you sell.  Reserve your spot in our FREE Masterclass.


Are you trying to get a job in the grocery retail business, but you don't have any experience?

Our course will have you feeling like a seasoned pro in no time. 


Nervous about an upcoming job interview?

The best way to get ready is to practice.  With our Interview Simulator you can get unlimited practice.


Are you a new manager? Feeling overwhelmed?

Gain insights and tips from our years of experience and impress your boss and your team.


Looking to create a video or animated commercial on a tight budget?

We can help unleash your brands' potential with our video services. Learn more about what we can do you help you.


Looking to differentiate yourself from other candidates? 

A personal web page allows you to showcase elements of your personality that other platforms just don't allow.  Separate yourself from the masses, show the world who you really are. Unleash your potential.

Meet our candidates

Looking for some inspiration?

Quote of the Month

The first Monday of every month we'll share our quote of the month and Greg will share the story behind it on our YouTube channel.

Visit our YouTube Channel

Looking to start a website, or publish an online course, but donā€™t know where to start or think itā€™s too expensive?

Maybe partnering with Team UYP is a good way for you to go.  Take the first step to finding out by clicking here.  You'll be one step closer to realizing your dream.

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